
A Journey of Conservation and Innovation with NOAA

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces that vessels using pot gear in the Western Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) are estimated to reach their total allowable catch (TAC) for Pacific cod, beginning 12 noon, Alaska local time, February 7, 2025, according to Jonathan M. Kurland, Regional Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS. Keeping harvest […]

A Journey of Conservation and Innovation with NOAA

The Soundtrack of the Ocean: A Journey of Conservation and Innovation with NOAA and Deep Voice Beneath the ocean’s surface lies a hidden world where communication happens through sound. The songs of whales, the clicks of dolphins, the grunts of fish – each species contributes to an intricate, living soundtrack that tells the story of […]

Our people are important to us much as the whales!


Our people are important to us much as the whales!
Our volunteers are motivated and collaborative and share a passion for solving problems and the sea. We seek individuals inspired by the prospect of developing new technology and driven by the will to make on environmental change. Deep Voice includes five teams: Research, Bio-annotations,Development, Product, and Media.
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